Project No. DTFAtO-05-C-00027
Owner: Federal Aviation Administration Address: ASOSS
P.O. Box 20636
Atlanta, GA 30320 Telephone: 404/305-5791 Architect: Horlrompf
Contracting Offlcer: Brenda Sullivan Original Contract: SJ3,149,399.00
Revised Contract: $14,221,398 (owner initiated change orders)
This project was constructed on a Seven-acre site. It included layout, engineering and an extensive amount of site work prior to the beginning of building construction. Approximately 18,000 cubic yards of off-site engineered fill had to be brought in and placed for this project. The project consisted of the construction of a \1,000 square foot TRACON building, a 3,000 square foot environmental support building and an air traffic control tower. This project required working in multiple areas simultaneously.
The TRACON building was built on spread footings and piers, with a slab on grade. The building was completely wrapped in blast proof pre-cast concrete panels. Metal stud with gypsum board finished to a level five finish, paint and sound attenuation panels were interior wall finishes. Flooring consisted of ceramic tile, VCT and carpeting. All exterior doors were electronically monitored and operated. This project included but was not limited to modified bituminous roofing, metal studs, gypsum board, ceramic tile, security hardware, closed caption televisions, and security cameras.
The environmental support building was built on spread footings with a slab on grade. Blast proof precast panels were also used on this building. The building housed emergency generators to support the facility. Electrical and mechanical systems were installed oncl monitored in this building as well.
The control tower was constructed on i 6 caissons 30 inches in diameter to a depth of 35 feet into bedrock. A concrete pile cap 4 feet deep by 30 feet square with tons of reinforcement is the foundation system for the tower. The main shaft is a dodecagon shape structure 27 feet across. This concrete shaft was precast panels 10 feet in height. There are four three-sided panels making up one lift of the height of the tower. A total of 84 panels make up the height of the main stem of the shaft. At the top of the main shaft, the structure bells out to a diameter of 50 feet. At this elevation of 210 feet the junction level of the lower, this space is used for common areas for the controllers. It also contains mechanical systems for the tower. One floor directly above is the console access level. A walkway wraps completely around the exterior of the tower for observation. The on duty controllers are at command on one floor in the main cab just abovethe console access floor. This control tower has a machine room-less elevator to transport personnel to their prospective floor5. It has two stair shafts, one on each side for emergency egress. The total height of the tower is 250 feet. The exterior was completely landscaped, including an irrigation system. This facility is completely surrounded with an eight-foot security fence with electronically controlled entrance and exiting gates. The construction of this new facility brought this airport up to modern day standards for controlling air traffic. This building also included drilled pier footings, closed caption televisions, security equipment, special security glazing.